Monday, April 15, 2019

Weekend Cleaning

Saturday was a deep cleaning day.  Starting Friday night, I took everything out of the kitchen and then cleaned underneath it.  And cleaned the stove.   Saturday Mark, The Child, and I tackled the rest of the kitchen (I'd stopped around 10-something because I was tired an everyone else had gone to bed) and the living room.  It's surprising how much dust gets behind end-tables and couches and things.  Probably the most dramatic thing we did (aside from evicting the dust bunnies from inside the computer CPU cooling radiators) was move the sofa back into the living room and the table back into the kitchen nook.   I prefer the sofa in the living room because it makes the room seem larger, and also it's more convenient to cary meals a shorter distance.  Mark professed a preference for the sofa in the kitchen nook because it gets more light and there's more interesting things to see in our backyard. 

Went to the gym Saturday afternoon.  Did my usual routine.  I'm finding that my back really likes the sanding cable triceps extension. 

Sunday afternoon was Game Day with some friends (The Child and I played a spy game and another Arthurian-based game called, I think, Avalon).   In the evening I went to a violin-loop artist's show, which was fun.... although because it was in a bar and started at 8PM, I went by myself.

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