Let's see. Lots has happened and I've been too busy to post.
Mark's mother, Mary, and his sister, Melora, visited us from the east coast earlier this month. Mary is Arthur's great-grandmother and Melora is Arthur's grandma. We had a good time visiting with them and eating out. We went to the beach around Cook's Chasm and collected driftwood. Driftwood sticks are now Arthur's favorite toy, and I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before all sorts of things become cudgeled.

Mark was singing a song to Arthur.
Every day you should be kissed by a duck. Every day get a kiss for luck. A kiss by a duck is very sweet. And maybe he'll even kiss your feet. Every day you should be kissed by a duck. And it only costs a buck. Oh duck prostitution is rampant now And watch out for those painted cows --
(at this point I scowled at Mark)
"Well, said Mark. "Fischer-Price told me to make up songs..."

Anyway, Mark came home, saw I was jonesing for some fish, and sent me off. When I got back with my fish and chips (and Pepsi) Mark and Arthur were playing on Sarah and Gretchen's front garden area. So I sat down on their steps.
Arthur saw The Blue Cup of Evil and started crawling. Real fast. Before you could say "pesticide-free organic baby food," Arthur had chased me up all six of Sarah and Gretchen's front porch steps. I never did manage to get a bite of my salmon. Mark laughed and laughed. "He knows the logo," he said as I retreated inside to our house to the dining room table.
Easter Sunday I went to the Unitarian Church Service. Now in case some of you are wondering, this Sunday is the first time in about three months the name "Jesus" has been mentioned, and the first hymn we sung was a chant to the Goddess. I was sitting right next to an older, conservative looking man, one who sends old-fashioned jokes to e-mail lists, and he belted out "We are one with the Goddess." And he wasn't even wearing patchouli.
Later we had our annual Easter Bunny Nuke. This year we had an overabundance of Peeps. So Mark made Peep S'mores. We also made grapes arc in the microwave (which was difficult to do this year for some reason). Mark W and his daughters were in attendance, and they brought a chocolate Nascar. Other friends brought a chocolate fountain (filled with really good chocolate, not that crappy oily brown stuff).

Wow, Unitarians learn fast!
Today Arthur picked imaginary nits off of Mark when he came home.
Mark got him back. As he was tying his shoes he said the following:
Criss-cross Apple Sauce. Then the bunny goes around the tree and through the whole and then gets tied up in the barbed wire and strangles. And that's how you tie a shoe. (Mr. McGregor Style)
Afterwards, as we were coming back from an evening at the library, Mark wanted to know what Arthur had eaten today.
Mark: What did you feed Arthur today?
John: Well, we had cheese chunks and formula and carrots and broccoli and those organic white carrots.
Mark: Organic? White? Those weren't carrots! Those were parsnips!
John: They were with the carrots. I thought they were some kind of funky organic white carrots you bought at the Kiva.
Mark: 'White Carrots' sounds like a perfume for Liz Taylor. Did you taste the food you made for Arthur?
John: No!
Mark: If you didn't know what food they were, why did you feed them to the baby?
John: I thought they were white carrots!
Mark: There's no such thing as white carrots! 'I don't know what this food is, I think I'll feed it to the baby' should not be a thought process that goes through your head!
John: They were in the same place as the carrots. Given the context of being next to real carrots, my brain was primed for them to be carrots.
Mark: Am I going to have to put 'Mr. Yuck' stickers on things?
John: They were in the 'fridge.
Mark: So was the burrito!
John: But I made the burrito, so I knew what that was!
Mark: Some people need culinary literacy tests.

So here: Since I'm not Mr. McGregor, I have a picture. If you saw those vegetables, wouldn't you think the white thing was some kind of white carrot?
Well, no. But I already know about parsnips, so that probably doesn't count.
Mark should give you points for exposing Arthur to Interesting Vegetables at an early age!
No, can't say as I would have mistaken it for a white carrot. I knew about parsnips, though have to say I've never eaten one.
Then of course it could have been one of these. Baby would have been unhappy, but no long-term harm done: http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0014926.html
But I will side with John. No one should be putting weird poisonous roots in the fridge.
It might have been a burdock root or a parsnip. But either way, it would have been edible.
Um...no Parsnips are parsnips and carrots are carrots, ne'er the twain shall meet.
Besides Parsnips are yucky and don't have anything close to the same consistency as carrots. I put some in an Irish stew a few weeks ago and it was great, except every once in a while you'd get a parsnip.
Carrots used to be purple, before people decided to breed for orange. Now, purple carrots have become trendy. So why not white carrots? Well, because anyone who has read the Bunnicula series (Howliday Inn, the Celery Stalks at Midnight) knows about white vegetables and the vampire bunnies.
Check it out (scroll to the bottom of the page) - apparently carrots can come in orange, red, yellow, purple AND white:
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