Writing and Editing industry
2001 – Present (10 years)
Volunteer position providing moderation skills for an award-winning writers' critique group and workshop. Arrange out-of-town speakers' presentations and accommodations.
Information Technology and Services industry
February 1986 – Present (25 years 1 month)
Provided hardware and software consulting on contractual basis for a variety of user populations. Projects included teaching system and program usage to novice users, troubleshooting residential ethernet and WiFi connections, providing desktop publishing services to local artists, and advising clients on computer hardware and software needs.
Information Technology and Services industry
May 1999 – June 2006 (7 years 2 months)
Within an academic department serving approximately 80 faculty members and an administrative staff of six, was responsible for the first line of Windows-based and Macintosh support. Duties included managing inventory of computer equipment, providing hardware and software recommendations, installation of software, simple hardware maintenance, department web page creation and maintenance, and computer security. Trained non-technical staff on computer use and simple trouble-shooting diagnostics. Helped staff integrate the university's Banner products (SIS, FIS, HRIS) into departmental procedures. Assisted in network maintenance. Created PHP scripts to aid non-technical staff to make changes to various information web pages.
Higher Education industry
May 1999 – June 2006 (7 years 2 months)
Within an academic department serving approximately 40 faculty members and an administrative staff of three, was responsible for the first line of Windows-based and Macintosh support. Duties included managing inventory of computer equipment, providing hardware and software recommendations, installation of software, simple hardware maintenance, department web page creation and maintenance, and computer security. Trained non-technical staff on computer use and simple trouble-shooting diagnostics. Helped staff integrate the university's Banner products (SIS, FIS, HRIS) into departmental procedures. Assisted in network maintenance. Created PHP scripts to aid non-technical staff to make changes to various information web pages. Set up Win 2000 based file server for department faculty and staff.
Privately Held; Publishing industry
June 1996 – April 1999 (2 years 11 months)
Within an internet service provider serving 2800 customers, was responsible for the operation of the Help Desk, the first line of customer support. Responsible for schedule daily Help Desk staff coverage. Recorded and programmed voice mail system to answer simple user requests when staff members were processing other support calls. Developed and taught PEAK new user class. Conducted selection, interviewing, and hiring of new Help Desk Support staff. Other duties included identifying and assigning programming, documentation and remote support tasks to Help Desk staff; researching modem initialization strings for Macintoshes running OS8; continued duties listed for PEAK Administrative Assistant.
Privately Held; Publishing industry
April 1996 – June 1996 (3 months)
Within an internet service provider serving 1500 customers, provided customer walk-in and phone support of internet programs and services (telnet, ftp, pico, Eudora, PINE, Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer, HTML) on the Macintosh, Windows and UNIX operating systems; provided in-house support on same. Provided customer support during a major modem pool and domain name server switch-over. Produced end-user documentation standard for all documents produced by the Help Desk. Produced instruction web pages for end-user and in-house audiences. Responsible for training new Help Desk employees.
Non-Profit; Non-Profit Organization Management industry
September 1992 – October 1995 (3 years 2 months)
At a not-for-profit educational institution, was responsible for administrating the architectural apprentice Workshop Programs. Self trained to use FileMaker Pro for the Macintosh. Enhanced existing FileMaker Pro database system so that databases could be used to generate specific replies to information requests about Arcosanti. Created Resident database which would generate acceptance letters for students enrolling in the Arcosanti educational program. Used same resident database to keep track of volunteer stipends and work schedules. Streamlined movement of student data into alumni database. Established an Internet mail node for Arcosanti using America on Line so that alumni with Internet mail access could check in with the Project. Responsible for a major re-write of the Student Handbook. Performed general human resource management tasks; provided project managers with evaluations of employment candidates.
Non-Profit; Non-Profit Organization Management industry
February 1992 – October 1995 (3 years 9 months)
Aided architectural and construction staff in the installation of a twisted pair network for future LocalTalk and Ethernet systems in a newly constructed apartment complex. Assisted Office staff in the evaluation of Macintosh System 7 configuration, resulting in an improvement of machine response. Taught Office Staff to use System 7's network software, resulting in increased productivity through increased data access. Assisted Office staff in the fine-tuning of existing Macintosh computer network. Taught Office staff the use of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Aldus PageMaker, on both Macintosh and Windows platforms. Researched and advised network options to enable file sharing between Macintosh and Windows platforms, leading to policy on network standards. Oversaw the replacement of an old AT&T System 25 PBX with an AT&T Merlin Legend hybrid/PBX system; responsible for training staff on new system. Responsible for phone system programming and maintenance.
Non-Profit; Non-Profit Organization Management industry
March 1992 – September 1992 (7 months)
Responsible for staffing Arcosanti phone system. Responsible for managing and maintenance of AT&T System 25 station. Responsible for programming night services and office phone groups. Trained office personnel to use FAX machine. Compiled notes from previous phone operators into a manual.
Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
February 1991 – February 1992 (1 year 1 month)
Produced and distributed documentation. Produced and distributed bimonthly Computer Center Newsletter using Aldus PageMaker 4.0 for the Macintosh. Oversaw the creation, scheduling, announcement and implementation of end user training. Trained new co-workers to assume responsibilities of a new position after previous responsibilities were split between two positions (see next heading). Administrated campus-wide electronic bulletin board system, VAXnotes. Trained college staff on Macintosh, VAX/VMS, and terminal server usage. Responsible for distributing Computer Center announcements. Acted as Macintosh and VAX/VMS resource for the Computer Center Support Desk.
Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
February 1989 – February 1991 (2 years 1 month)
Managed and trained student staff to run support desk serving 1700 students, 200 faculty, and 200 administrative staff. Produced and distributed documentation. Produced and distributed bimonthly Computer Center Newsletter. Oversaw the creation and deletion of new VAX computer accounts. Self trained in VAXnotes; responsible for the creation of campus-wide bulletin board system. Took over electronic postmaster and some system management duties in the absence of full time system manager. Responsible for maintenance of public terminals and printers. Responsible for computer file restorations. Self trained to maintain DEC, Vista, and Emulex terminal servers and passed information to Computer Center Staff. Produced schedule for Computer Center training courses. Trained college staff on Macintosh, VAX/VMS, and terminal server usage. Designed new support desk area and oversaw its construction.
Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
February 1988 – February 1989 (1 year 1 month)
Helped to administer the UNIX 4.3 BSD system on the Reed College VAX; duties included user support, writing shell scripts to prepare data for statistical analysis using BMDP, maintenance of the file system, and system backups. Other duties include managing campus wide computer network consisting of Macintosh computers, Macintosh AppleShare file servers, Apple LaserWriters and LQ ImageWriters. Additionally, made major contributions to the Reed College Student Computing Handbook.
Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
August 1987 – February 1988 (7 months)
Provided user support to campus faculty, staff and students for the Macintosh personal computer and the campus VAX. Acted as VAX information resource within Computer Maintenance and added new accounts on the VAX for students and faculty. Additionally, tested public AppleShare file server, and was responsible for distributing new systems software and posting information on said software. Other duties included beta testing of Reed developed software and running computer conference demonstrations.
Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
September 1986 – May 1987 (9 months)
Within active college computer facility, providing services for 1200 students and faculty, was responsible for assisting users with hardware and software difficulties, and maintenance of printers.
Educational Institution; Higher Education industry
May 1985 – August 1985 (4 months)
Responsible for testing software for use in laboratories. Additional duties included testing an Intel computer to determine compatibility with UNIX and Macintosh computer resources.
Reed College
BA, Psychology
1983 - 1987Coursework; Social Psychology, Cognitive Processes, Environmental Psychology, Cognitive BehaviorModification, Statistics and Experiment Design, Learning, Psychological Sex Differences, and Psychological Anthropology.