John Burridge's short story, "Doors of the Past" (July 2021) may be found at "Abyss & Apex Magazine." "A Summoner's Tale," (October, 2019) may be found on the "On The Premises" website (, Issue 34, ). His personal essay, "Paper Clip," (November, 2018) may be found on the ShadowSpinner's web site. His short story "Dust to Smart Dust," (Issue 29, April, 2017) may be found on the "On The Premises" web site . His short story, "Before the Last Bloom Falls," was the June 2014 recipient of the Penn Cove Literary Award. His short stories, "The Gear Master's Wife," (March 2013) and "Reset Romance" (November 2012) may be found on the "On The Premises" web site (, Issue 19 and Issue 18, respectively). His micro-fiction, "The Book Deal," may be found in the Delving Press anthology, "Twisted Tales in 66 Words." His short story "Up" won the Whidbey Student Choice Award for December, 2008. His short story "Mask Glass Magic" may be found in the anthology "Writers of the Future, vol 23." He misses Thaumatrope, a Twitter Fiction venue to which he contributed.
Short Bio
John Burridge's parents wanted to be world travelers, so that's why he was born at a dam construction site in Pakistan decades ago. Before long, he had scaled Egyptian temples, explored throne rooms, and raised havoc in cathedrals.
On the family’s Oregon return, John’s focus soon turned to adventures of science, fiction, and fantasy. By 4th grade, he wanted to be a physicist like his hero, Mr. Spock. His physics fantasies died in college calculus, though John did learn to run Reed College’s experimental reactor.
After a stint working in computer help centers, John spent four years at Arcosanti, the sculptured concrete urban design experiment of architect Palo Soleri, spending Sonoran nights pounding on an old Macintosh in his 8'x8'x8' residence cube. In 1995, John moved back to Oregon, wait-listed and was finally accepted into The Wordos writer’s group for serious critiquing. From 2001 to 2018 he was an active member of The Wordos, serving for many years as co-chair.
John lives in Eugene with his husband. He is a computer support technician by day and a fantasy and science fiction writer by night.
He is probably over-caffeinated.