It's become clear to me that I need to get up around 5 or 5:30 if I want regular time to write. Not that I'm going to give up Tuesday Writing Night or anything, but between the Day Jobbe, and Shuttling the Child, and other things, I'm don't have consistent Butt-In-Chair-Hands-On-Keyboard. What I've found in the past is that it's easier to get up at 5 during the light half of the year; usually in November it becomes harder.

On the dream front... the other morning I dreamed I was traveling by train, and somehow the narrative became 1930's white European explorers in South America (possibly Deepest, Darkest Peru). A group of us discovered a (fairly stereotypical Hollywood) village with grass-thatched huts and Copper-Age natives in homespun vines and cured hides -- somewhere between Star Trek Original Series natives and Gilligan's Island natives.

Earlier in our travels, we had found a 18 inch or so high stone statue of a god. It had a kind of helmet or half-mask on it, which covered the right side of its face. I want to say the helmet-mask was made of feathers, but it might have been metal feathers with a beak. A headman and what I assume were village elders met us. I think we were trying to negotiate a trade -- there were five us of and we stood in a line in front of the elders. We tilted the god's helmet-mask back (it rotated up along the ears) and revealed its smooth white featureless face (it waking life it resembled one of those ancient Cyclopean statues that are almost Art Deco).

Upon seeing the featureless face of the god revealed, the headman recited some ritual poetry along the lines, "As you have touched your hidden self / so must we seek our secret (or sacred?) selves." Only longer, and much more meaningful. I think there was supposed to be an esoteric meaning to "touching your secret self" but... after this recitation, the dream became extremely lascivious, and revealing the bird god's face was the signal for the natives to begin a heterosexual orgy (which I think was supposed to be spiritual, but from the dream POV as a native man wasn't).
I'm not sure what would make me have a native orgy dream... although it does remind me a bit of Freud's dream of Egyptian Birds with its innuendo word-play.
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