Thursday, April 25, 2019

Gym, Writing, and Pollen

Tuesday night's writing session was marginal.  I've got two shorts that are awaiting critique, so I'm sort of focused on those.  I did a review of a Mary Stewart pastiche and made some minor edits.  It's not too bad, and I like the writing in it, but the character is distant--part of this is the first-person narration, and I need to go back and look at the narrator's and the remembered narrator's character and see how I might increase the stakes and tension.  After that, I did some free-form writing, and ended up writing a raunchy farce (with one of the characters sounding like Edwina from "Absolutely Fabulous").   I suppose the dialog is okay; I'm noticing a trend of writing talking-heads stories.  One earlier was more a "bitching heads" story, and I suppose the farce attempt would be "vapid heads." 

Afterwords, I met up with the Wordos and we had an interesting discussion of artificial intelligence. 

On the gym front, I went to the gym Wednesday.  Did the standard routine.  Wednesday was a weird schedule day, it seemed like I was running five minutes late for everything and that everyone else's schedule was off, too.  This resulted in many instances of someone sitting down at the same workout station five seconds before I wanted it.

I'm not sure what is blooming, but it's making my nose run and my eyes goopy in the morning.  I think it's also making me a little tired, but that might be residual sugar crashes from Easter.  Mark got an air filter for our bedroom, which supposedly filters pollen, so I'm not sure if I would be worse if we didn't have it or not. 

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