We join the dream in progress...
The time and place is the ministry of Jesus in Jerusalem. The tone is a cross between *Jesus Christ, Superstar* and *Honest Trailers*. A narrator's voice says, "Now, if Jesus knew that Caesar wanted to kill him when he entered Jerusalem, if he'd bumped into Caesar, He would have AVERTED his face.
Jesus, walking through the city gates.
Various townsfolk milling around.
Caesar, wearing red and white, with a few centurions, walking the other way.
Narrator: "Jesus, AVERT! Jesus AVERT!"
Jesus obviously jumps, angles off and hunches over to His right, abruptly brings His left hand up to cover His face. Caesar and centurions walk right by him, oblivious.
Narrator (continuing): "And the people when they saw Him would not have shouted out His name, because that would have brought Caesar.
Various People of Jerusalem: "Hey! It's JESUS!" "Hosanna JESUS" (Looking back over their shoulders at a retreating Caesar and Centurions, who continue to walk out the gates of Jerusalem as if nothing's wrong.) Jesus gives them a 'shut up' look and makes little shooshing motions with His hands. "JESUS!" (Still no reaction from the Romans. They continue in the manner of middle-school students trying to get a rise out of a substitute teacher.) "JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!" Nothing.
Scene break. Caesar and Jesus are no longer in the dream. A social hall or a long, wide stone street. People of Jerusalem have gathered along ether side of the passage. Slowly, the people coalesce into two large circles, side by side. Focus on a forty-something woman in grey Bible-garb. "Oh Lord, we give thanks that You are here, and we joyfully accept Your story, embracing your pedigree, your plan, your vision--everything!-- in it." As she has been speaking, her circle has grown tighter and more distinct.
Pan to the other circle. Someone says, "Oh Lord, we are glad You are here, and we like You a lot, but we're still debating all the other stuff. I mean, over all, Your message is great and all, but... well... some of the details just don't add up." A woman, whose strips of Bible-garb clothing have not been put on as well as a lot of the other folks', moves from the first circle to the second.
First woman (kind of irritated): "Hey. You were in our circle."
Second woman (flustered, looks down): "I, um, I changed my mind."
... and then the dream moved on to an SCA-style gathering....