Saturday, March 21, 2020

Herons and Photography

Here's a Delta Ponds heron for you (photo taken March 15, 2020).  This one was near the bridge on the east side of the pond, kind of near Interstate 5.

Mark is fairly good natured about when I photograph birds during our Delta Pond hikes.  I like taking photos because A) I want to preserve the moment, B) herons (and birds in general) look cool, C) they are a convenient reference for sketching, D) seeing how the natural world can arrange elements in aesthetically pleasing proportions is fascinating--I mean, look at the rotation, tessellation, and scaling of the feather shape--, and E) it can feel like a collaboration with the subject.

I think Mark sometimes thinks the camera A) is a barrier to actually enjoying the hike through the ponds, and B) negates any health benefit of a brisk walk as I stop to snap a hundred (mostly blurry) pictures of harassed wildlife.

But he does make an effort to plan walks so the sunlight is behind us and shining on the birds.

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