Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID19 and Working Out

Saturday morning.  Oregon is on lock-down-lite for COVID19; Governor Kate Brown is telling Oregonians to "stay home, stay healthy" -- meaning, don't leave your house unless you need to go to work, walk the dog, or get groceries.   Going on solitary hikes is okay.   We're lucky that we have a back yard we can escape to -- this morning the sun is shining, the sun on the dew on the grass has turned the lawn into glittering pave, and it feels like it's 60 degrees.

On the gym front... I haven't gone to the gym for about two weeks.  Yesterday I tried jogging around Amazon Park in lieu of using gym elliptical machines.  The idea was that I'd do two laps or at least five songs on the gym music list.  Alas, about a song or two into the session, my right knee started doing something odd along the inside; I'm guessing it doesn't like the pounding along the sawdust trails.  I slowed to a brisk walk and then sped up again.  And then walked again.  And then a fine, fit, jogger dude came the other way and I had to speed up because one always wants to look one's best for the fine, fit, (sweaty) jogger dudes and not like some limping fifty-something gym refugee.

Then I went home and did a cobbled-together workout routine.  Since there's been a run on free weights (and RollerBlades!) at the local Sports Equipment Store, I only have a pair of 8 pound dumbbells -- but I made do.  Okay, I did get a resistance band to mix things up.  Luckily, a bunch of exercises from the Aerobic Routine don't require weights.  There's a plethora of "so you're stuck in your home" gym routine tutorials on the 'Net, so I think I'll be fine.

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