Thursday, December 19, 2019

Reindeer and Firs

 Every year, we drive a short distance to a local tree farm and murder a tree so we can take it back home for holiday decorating.  We've been going here (mostly) for the last ten years.  There used to be Very Large Horses who would pull the hay wagon full of folks and their trees along the acreage, but I think they got old (or expensive) and now a tractor pulls the wagon.

Recently, Mark purchased Moose Outfits.  I believe they are supposed to be pajamas.  Or something.  The Child loved the first Moose Outfit so much Mark found a second one.  There was an attempt to get a Yeti Outfit for me, and an old Jack Skellington onsie... but I'm pretty sure that if we're getting something warm for me to wear in a cold winter house, I'd rather have a very large, hooded blanket covered in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

So... Mark and The Child suited up.  I declined to dress as a Yeti.  So The Child suggested that I grab a Nerf Gun and go as a hunter.  Mark found a kind of hunter's cap, and I put on my old brown coat.  I also put on my leopard print scarf, which Mark said didn't work for the hunter-look, but I pointed out that it was something I could have bagged.

We climbed into the car and drove past the Fern Ridge Reservoir.  The water was very low; I think they emptied the basin in preparation for the rains we'll be getting later.

At the tree farm, we got out.  Not more than twenty paces from the car, a woman asked Mark and The Child if she could take their picture together.   Then we got a hand saw, and hunted for The Perfect Tree.

 I'd say it took something like forty minutes, and we eventually settled on (another) Grand Fir (this seems to be our go-to tree to murder).  As we were tromping over the acreage, we'd occassionally hear families with small children.  Mark and The Child would then "antler up" and run through the trees.  There was at least two sets of children (and one skeptical mom) who saw the exclaimed with wonder in their voices that they saw reindeer!

Mark said (and I thought) they looked a little bit more like Sasquatches than reindeer....

After we got the tree cut, wrapped, and paid for, I took out the Nerf Gun and we got a few "hunter" shots in.  It was sort of fun, but I'm ambitious about the final results, which seem like candidates for Awkward Family Photos.

We got the tree back home, and will decorate it (or at least put it up) on Solstice.  Decorations are an interesting subject at our house -- this year Mark decided to make a bunch of decorations out of small cereal boxes, and I'm pretty sure Tony the Tiger will be the tree topper.

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