Thursday, December 12, 2019

Horrible Day and Gym Report

Yesterday was a bad day.  I was in a funk (probably from the weather), ordered equipment for work came in with missing parts (again), a story in the mail got returned when the market it was at folded, and I noticed a poem about cultural appropriation someone had put up that appeared to bash white gay "witchy" males specifically.  I fought off feelings of being dead inside by propping up the corners of my mouth with my index fingers and whispering "Let's pretend to be happy."

I went to the gym, although I didn't want to.  And did The Old Routine.  I've lost a little bit of strength in my biceps, if barbell weight is any measure, but the routine felt good and I wasn't totally wiped out by the end,

Afterward, Mark and I went out of dinner while The Child attended a school function.

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