Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Gym and Cats

Went to the gym and did a start-up version of the New Routine on Saturday.  Resumed my usual schedule (sort of) and managed to get to the gym again Monday afternoon.  Had a very short chat with my trainer, who reminded me that with a lot of the exercises, I want to be focusing on my abdominals (since I'd asked for something to help me develop better abs).

The grey December has me kind of low energy.  This morning, I managed to catch sight of Arcturus and Spica, but not much else.  I thought maybe today would be a sunny day, but the clouds rolled in and made the sky misty and grey.  We need the rainfall (and the snow pack), and at least the rain is good for clearing out any air inversions.

The cats were looking at me this afternoon as if I were responsible for the rain that was, yes, indeed still falling out of the sky and making the yard wet.

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