Monday, December 16, 2019

Friday Krampus Crawl

Friday night, I went on the 2nd Annual Eugene Krampus Krawl.

It was fun, although it was more about drinking than it was processing around dressed up as Krampus.  I threw on assorted renaissance faire garb (black cloak, paisley vest, black-and-silver scarf), and wished later that I'd remembered to wear a tail and some faux-fur.  There were about twenty or so folks at the first bar we started at, and they were in various furry things.  There were at least three very good masks, and a lot of home-made costumes.  I particularly liked the masks made with tin foil, masking tape, paint and dust.  One woman came dressed as a bad child and was being led around by one of the better-looking Krampuses.  A local artist put together this Krampus-fox chimera.

We gathered outside the first bar (I'd kind of wished that I'd come a little later, as I ended up not knowing anyone -- although I did make some new Krampus friends) and then walked about ten blocks to the second bar on the krawl.  By this time, one of the organizers had loaned me a walking staff and a metallic clanker to make noise with.  Some of the Krampus folks were really into it, calling for parents to bring out Bad Children, and making scary faces at various onlookers.

The People of Eugene for the most part either had no idea what was going on and crossed to the other side of the street, or else they knew about Krampus already and waved at us.

We wound up at the local Queer Bar.  I hung out for a little while, but since the next day was filled with Holiday Family Obligations, I bailed out instead of continuing the Krawl to the next two bars and The Big Krampus Party at the end destination.

When I got home, Mark suggested that next year I help out.  Since I'd already channeled my Inner Capricorn and self-appointed myself the tail-end parade marshal (and helped stragglers cross intersections since I could actually see out from under my cloak's hood), I'm thinking that helping out wouldn't be such a bad idea.

One the gym front, I had a very late night at the Gym doing The New Routine.

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