Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Post Thanksgiving

Gym Report:  Returned to the gym after a Thanksgiving hiatus last Wednesday and Friday.  Did the new routine, plus some lat-pull-downs and triceps extensions (which I've been adding to the aerobic routine so my arms don't deflate).

Thanksgiving week was difficult for our family, my folk's German Shepherd had to be euthanized for age-related nerve failure (her back legs essentially became disconnected and limp).   Not quite as troubling, our house had some computer difficulties, which has meant using secondary systems and figuring out what to do with digital photographs.

On the writing front:  I got two story rejections on Thanksgiving Sunday from markets that had been holding onto the stories for an extra long time (one had been short-listed).  On the down side, they were rejections (I knew the short-listed story had a less than 50% chance, but still).  On the up side, one market called me a "strong writer" and encouraged me to submit something else and the other market really liked the story (just not enough to buy it).  The number of stories I have in the mail is now fairly low, and I should market what I've got.

Looking at what I'm working on now, it could be summarized as "girl tries to join the circus, and they don't take her."  Hmm, no parallels there.  Since I have a trunk story, "boy tries to join the circus..." I'm thinking I need to revisit this theme.

1 comment:

Beauty Blog said...

Thaank you for this