Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Venus, Mars, the Moon, and the Gym

Went to the gym Monday and did the Push-Pull Routine, with the exception of the triceps pull-down, the seated overhead biceps pull-down, and the inclined bench work.  Considering this was my first time back in a week, I'm okay with skipping a few things.

Venus has been visible the last few evenings, which is a bonus because this time of year it typically overcast and cloudy.  The other morning, I saw a ruby Mars, and I've been hoping to catch sight of it again, but we haven't been so lucky with clear skies in the mornings.  Venus, on the other hand, is so bright, I think I was able to catch sight of it about an hour before the sun set.

Saturday night, the full moon rose extra orangey, and the Rabbit in the Moon showed distinctly.  I took a few photographs, but I haven't downloaded them yet.

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