Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Solstice Flowers

Last week, flowers in our yard provided some good photo opportunities.  I enjoyed the mystery of the poppies; each day was slightly different as the blooms shrugged off their protective sheathes, flowered, and then disrobed--casting spent petals--and held up ripening seed pods.  The bed where they grow looks like a scene from an Egyptian frieze.
This week, there's one poppy bud -- the last -- rising up toward flowering.  We're not sure how long it takes the pods to have viable seeds, or if the seeds will only grow in the raised bed or all over the yard.
I'm hoping they'll bloom in more than one place, although, given the history of the yard, it's unlikely in the eastern bed and a slim possibility in the western one.  It's possible they might do well out front.

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