Friday, April 15, 2022

Magic Dreams

Strange mash-up dream:  I was Vaneyl Askeveron--sort of, since I was still mostly me with some powers of levitation and not a brooding Herald-Mage.  I appeared at a game that was vaguely Quidditch, only now that I'm recalling, it was more on the ground, like soccer.  My recall is muddled.  One team declared me their captain (they all seemed to know me and were very enthusiastic; they did not remind me of anyone), and I attempted to sort out their game skills and positions; they all seemed to be teenagers, and the goalie may have been younger.  

The playing field dream-transformed from a large soccer field with white netted goal areas into a large enclosed area, surrounded by castle curtain walls and with tower-like barbicans capping either end.  Someone had a large locomotive they were attempting to navigate up stone steps, which was holding up the start of the game (somehow the locomotive was part of our team?).  

There was a dream shift, and I was in a collegiate setting, possibly the lobby of a library, surrounded by a knot of people—folks had brought their children to watch, so possibly it turned into a kind of Country Faire performance.  I was in a mutable state of undress, ritually pouring water over myself, soaping up, and rinsing, all while singing "Station of the Sun."  As the washing progressed, it became less of a personal ritual and more of a public performance, like a between-acts show of some sort.

I am not sure what this dream signifies other than possible performance anxiety of some sort.

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