Tuesday, August 09, 2022

MidJourney Near Misses

Well... I've spent more time on MidJourney trying to get an image of a character that doesn't look like he's doing a dark rite by the flame of his orange eyes than I expected.  Since the character is gay, I added "gay" and "romance" to the end of the text and the AI responded the way I thought it might by rendering some shirtless eldritch horrors—and some eldritch horrors with shirts made of the skins of buff Harlequin Romance male models.
I'm using text from a story, and for whatever reason the Dark Fantasy switch must be on.  The text is a quick description of spell casting, although it's more of a charm involving jack-o-lanterns than a full-blown spell.  Maybe the Halloween vibe is too strong.
Oh well. 

I had better luck with an image loosely based on iron pentagon of Mars.

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