Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tea Shopping Numerology

Scene:  The supermarket express checkout lane.

Clerk:  "Good afternoon.  How are you?"

John (setting his tea on the counter):   "I'm fine.  And yourself?"

Clerk:  "I'm good, thanks.  (Rings up tea purchase)  That'll be $6.60."

John:  "Oh darn.   Just six cents more and I could have had (raises hands in clawed parodies of ecstasy; makes his voice deeper and more raspy; going for a Church Lady voice, but probably making it closer to something Lovecraftian ) TEA of the DEVIL!"  

Clerk:  . . . (clearly re-winding the conversation in her head to see how it so quickly jumped the track)

John:  . . .  (lowers hands, schools face back to semblance of normalcy)

Clerk:  "Oh.  Uh.  Ha ha.  Here's your change.  Have a good day."

John:  "Thanks; you, too."  (Wishes he could work "Beast of the Apocalypso" into the conversation but restrains himself.)

Now of course I wonder what the numerology of 660 is.... 

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