Writing: The hunt for a good place to write on Tuesday nights continues. I've found a place on the north bank of the Willamette River that has a nice ambiance (sound-buffering carpeting and wood paneled decor) and decent enough wooden tables/booths and chairs. And it's kind of expensive to order any food there (which probably explains why it isn't overrun with undergraduates). I suppose that I could try just ordering a salad, which could help manage the expense and would leave me less open to grease-induced indigestion. Oh well... I had a nice session there just writing and not editing too much and managed to pound out about a thousand words (maybe not the best words, and probably disjointed, but I'm going to take them, anyway).
On the technology front: I think I may be using my mobile phone for Internet stuff too much. The convenience of being able to check e-mail and Facebook is probably leading to over-use, so I guess it's time to use the user diagnostic tools and keep my daily usage down. I think my eyesight and posture will improve.
On the Halloween Front: this is the weekend for decking the halls with pumpkins, and... Mark has gone on a solo hike, I've got a writers' event, we're visiting family, The Child is volunteering at a local haunted house, and a bunch of other domestic tasks are interfering with Halloween Spookiness. I'll have to break out the Box Of Halloween Decor while Mark's gone.
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