Thursday, September 12, 2019

Gym and Writing

Went to the gym Wednesday.  I went a little earlier in the evening and the gym was a little busier.  Managed to do the new normal routine, minus the Roman Chair Curls.  The weather has been stormy, with cloudbursts dropping a half an inch of rain in less than a half an hour--it has cleared up a little today, which makes inside cooler and more pleasant than the outside (although, if the winds continue to gust, the gazebo shouldn't be too hot.

On the writing front, I finished up a 34,000 word novelette that had been languishing on my hard drive after a particularly harsh critique.  Looking back, the critique wasn't harsh so much as it was the way I had purposely written one of the characters happened to press one particularly vocal critic's buttons.  In any case, I took a look at the manuscript again to clean up some minor, random things, and I sent it out.  I've started to have a computer read manuscripts to me, which is more useful than I ever realized it could be for catching repeated words, like "the the;" and missing words that my brain is automatically supplying when I read to myself, like "she closed door;" and phrases that just plain sound strange or confusing, usually because I've tried to edit a complex, compound sentence.

I'm also pleased that I've managed to keep a number of stories in the mail, so that count is up as well. Now I have to write something new....

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