Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Winter Solstice!

Happy Solstice, everyone.  It was a perfect day here to catch some Solstice Fire.  I managed to get the flame going fairly close to the time the sun transited the meridian.

We'll keep the flame burning for Solstice Home Decorating tonight and for ritual use later today.

Update:  Here's the post Solstice Spiral Walk:

The room was dark, and folks walked widdershins into the spiral, where there was a wrought-iron tree holding votives lit with Solstice Fire.  They'd light their own candle and then walk deosil out of the spiral, placing their candle along the path of greens.  Slowly the room got brighter as more candles were added.  It was a moment of wonder for me, as I was sitting in the East (with my harp) keeping an eye out for any sudden outbreaks of fire, and watched families with little kids go to the center of the spiral together and light their candles.  The kids said, "Whoa, that was so cool!" when they were done.  The Pagans were very present (the event was a Unitarian Universalist Church Event); folks were pausing at the altars at the cardinal directions and were obviously having meaningful moments.  C.N., who really should get most of the credit for making the even happen, said several folks commented about how peaceful the Solstice Spiral walk was, and that they hadn't realized how they need a peaceful event until then. 

Er... and then we had to reset the church and I got home rather late.  Not so much decorating happened -- although Mark had cooked up a Christmas storm and done prep for The Next Family Event.

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