Monday, January 08, 2018

Carousel Dragon

The other day we took a secret, spur-of-the-moment trip to Albany.

 For the last ten years so so, volunteers have been working on a carousel, carving and painting animals to put on a circular platform.  The mechanical parts are from 1909 -- which makes them the same age as my Grandma Agnes.

The animals are all ornate, whimsical, and amazing.  Here's "Igknighter"

We had fun riding the carousel, and I tried to photograph everything, which was hard because the glossy finish on the animals reflected all the lights and windows -- luckily it was overcast, so my camera didn't have to deal with the direct sunlight.

I think my best photos were when I was on the platform taking pictures of the animals' left sides... although I did find a sweet spot at about south-southwest (I think).

I thought that I'd read somewhere that some animals are anchors:  extra heavy animals that help stabilize the carousel platform.  But I may have gotten confused between standers (the stationary animals on the outside ring) and jumpers.

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