Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Crescent Moon Muppet Philosophy

The clouds have moved away and the last two days have been hot.  The night sky has been clear, and the most exciting object is a very young crescent moon.  I might have seen Mercury close to the western horizon, but I can't be sure.   In a few days the moon will sweep by Regulus, in Leo the Lion, and a little later on, Antares, in Scorpio the Scorpion.

I managed to get some photographs of the moon -- the low angle made it look like it was being grabbed by a tree.

Composition wise, what interests me about these photos is that I think the farther away from the camera's lens the Moon or a tree branch is, the more in focus it is.  To me, the blurrier branches look farther away from the viewer than the more-in-focus ones do, but I think the opposite is true.  I guess we're so used to thinking "in focus = close" that, in absence of other clues (like color) can confuse things when that's not the case.

I'm sure Mark would point out the symbology of being more focused on the far away by channelling his Inner Yoda and saying, "This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away…to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing."

I think my only response would be to channel another Muppet and say, "A crescent moon in sky look like cookie, but it doesn't taste as good as a cookie!  Everybody sing!  C is for cookie, that's good enough for me..."

...You know, those trees kind of look a little like Cookie Monster...

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