Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Ugh.  I don't know if I ate something wrong, or if my stomach was upset, or if I doom-scrolled too much before going to sleep, or what, but I had the most unpleasant nightmare I've had in some time.  I've only read a synopsis of "The Squid Game," (thankfully) and this dream felt like that, with the added thrill of being called into some kind of final death-match even after I'd already been crushed to death by a falling object.  I suppose it was like being in a Hieronymus Bosch hell.

So I woke up around 4.  My usual response is to mentally cast a protective circle and invoke the four directions until I can drift back to sleep.  I keep hoping this will let me slide into lucid (or at least magical) dreaming; nothing so far, but it does have the benefit of keeping my mind from either focusing on what woke me up or doing the liminal-dark anxiety tizzy.

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