Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Hummingbirds and Kabbalah

I managed to take some new photos of the local hummingbirds.  This requires arising at 5:30 (at least) in order to be in place when they appear for their morning fountain frolic.  

It's been rainy here for the last month, which means the morning (and evening) alignment of planets has not been visible.  I have found myself more attracted to staying in bed, even on those days when it has been relatively clear and the morning skies visible.   I may rouse myself for the impending conjunction of Mars and Jupiter—but it appears the conjunction coincides with the increased likelihood of overcast skies.

On the reading front, I've been reading a history of Kabbalah.  It's not so much about the mystical system as it is about the men (and it's been pretty much all men) and movements associated with it.  As near as I can gather, the typical repeating cycle of events over two millennia is something like,  "a scammer or scholar (we're not always sure which) with bi-polar disorder, mild schizophrenia, or migraine headaches has a mystical revelation while studying or expanding upon the teaching of Kabbalah, proclaims the advent of a new age or else proclaims themselves a new messiah, garners zealous admirers,  has a run-in with the religious or secular powers, and is jailed or exiled."  There's also a lot of book-banning and book-burning.  1666 was particularly MAGA-meets-Life-of-Brian.

On the dream front, I haven't been recalling my dreams so much; the bits that do come through feel like they're part of a gritty comic book or science-fiction series, like spy chases or ensemble fight scenes; or else they're unsubtly erotic.  

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