Friday, February 11, 2022

Fog and Brains

head shot of John in a brown jacket standing in front of fog-obscured oaks and pines.
Foggy days lately.  The other day the fog never lifted and it was so thick we couldn't see across the dog park.  

Possibly related, in a brain-chemistry kind of way, the scintillating scotoma has made a come-back.  I'd been mostly good about limiting my dark chocolate intake, but it seems like three days over the last fourteen or so I've been getting the lightning staircase in my vision -- this time more in my left eye than my right.   At this point I'm wondering if changing light levels play a role.  

There's usually not much of a headache, but it does make reading difficult.  And whenever I experience several of these in a row, I wonder in the back of my head if this is indicative of my brain slowly self-destructing.  Unfortunately, the auras don't actually appear to be related to anyone's astral body, nor do they appear to be earthbound entities or geologic ley lines.  Will I spend my last months with holes in my vision, with lightning staircases providing an uneven break to the dullness, unable to look at computer screens, and forced to write longhand (or on a typewriter)?  Oh well, I guess what this means in the short run is that I'll have to give up really dark chocolate and limit my black tea intake.

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