Monday, February 21, 2022

Dream Plans

The other day I had a "Return to Arcosanti" dream.  It was fairly classic:  I'd driven there on a whim in under six hours (it's more like a twenty hour drive); when I got there the canyon below the site was filled with a lake (it's normally dry); my transport home was problematic (new twist, I'd fallen asleep driving there, and couldn't recall where I'd parked my car -- so at least it wasn't an airport anxiety dream).  What was new was that Smokey had stowed away in the car and had come to Arcosanti with me.  

But now that I'm  reading Jung,  I'm remembering dreams with a distinctly Jungian feel to them.

In a dream this morning, I was an assistant to a photographer, and I was hanging a mask on a large, knotty pine tree so that he could photograph models coming up to face the mask.   The pine turned into a smaller vine maple, and the mask turned into a circular, golden medallion that I wore over my sternum.  A circle appeared around the tree, and I sat in the south.  A young woman, possibly wearing a crescent at her breast, sat on the circle opposite me.  An old wise woman spoke; sometimes her words came through the younger woman.  

I kind of have to laugh about this dream; about the only thing missing was a Hero's Call to Action.  If I'm going to stay on track with this sort of thing and go beyond just dreams filled with significant imagery, I'll have to make an effort to ask characters in my dreams who they are and what they want.  This may take a while, since the three or four lucid dreams I remember usually involved a dream authority figure informing me that I was dreaming.  

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