Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Thanksgiving Astronomy

Over the long weekend I managed to snap some photos of the Moon as it was between Aldebaran and the Pleiades.  The moon was a few hours shy of being full, so there's a lot of moon-flare in the pictures -- I had to use a two second exposure to get the Pleiades to show up at all, so most of the shots were "artsy."  This was a full moon with a penumbral eclipse, or I might have stayed up later trying to get a good shot of a temporarily crescent moon with the stars.  

One of these days, I'm going to have to put a little star on Portable Stonehenge for where Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut are.  4000 years ago, they used to line up with the solstices and equinoxes, but they've progressed and now they're roughly 60 degrees from where they were -- so Aldebaran is opposite the late Autumn sun now, and Antares is next to the sun right now. 

Our Thanksgiving was at home this year; just us and no other family members.  I made entirely too much stuffing.  Next year I'll need to remember to use less bread crumbs and more spices and chicken stock.  The Child cooked a (pre-cooked) chicken.  Mark made twice-baked yams.   

This season is hard on my folks, who really would like to see everyone, and who have been cooped up at their house.  We could socially distance ourselves outside their house during the summer and early autumn, but now it's too cold and wet.   We did mask up Sunday and put up their artificial tree that is too unwieldily for them to put up by themselves while they (mostly) socially distanced.  

On the plus side, their house is a large, open-plan building; so it's not like we're all crammed together into a postage-stamp-sized apartment, inhaling each other's exhalations.   On one hand I'm still a little uncomfortable seeing them and risking COVID-19; on the other hand, I'm glad we did help them, because Mark discovered the wiring on their tree was faulty when he got a shock from a string of lights he thought was unplugged (once again, Mark gets Good Husband Points because of a Christmas Tree).  

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