Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Clouds, Mostly

Not much in the dream department, lately.  I did have one odd one the other day involving a really big blood blister on my left thumb.  I'm thinking maybe one of the cats attacked my hand in the night.  

Tuesday (last night) was writing night; I have some short story fragments I'm working on.  One started to turn into a back-story poem, and not that I'm Tolkien or anything, but I had that moment where it seems the story stops so the Elves can sing a song (in my case, it probably wasn't Elves).  It turned into a call and response poem -- which I think is called strophe and anti-strophe or something.  I suppose I should brush up on poetry parts.  It will be nice to be able to leave the house (or at least go outside) to write in the Summer.

On the working out front, I've been doing short sets of what are probably closer to Pooh's "Stoutness Exercises" than anything else -- dumbbell curls, crunches, and push-ups -- but at least they're better than nothing.  I suspect that some heavier dumbbells are in my Christmas future.  

It's been overcast the last few days, so I haven't been able to see either the morning or the evening stars.  Very occasionally I'll catch a glimpse of ruby Mars near the zenith, but not much else.  I am hoping to catch the Moon next to Jupiter and Saturn tonight (12/16), but the prospects are favoring rainy skies.  Perhaps there will be a window in the clouds.  

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