Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Owls, Writing, and Gyms

This is a picture of Dmitri, a Eurasian Eagle-Owl.  Eagle-Owls have bright orange eyes, in contrast to other owls, which have yellow eyes. I like this photo because Dmitri is looking to the left, which shows off the structure of his face more clearly than if he were looking straight into the camera.  Also, he's got a bit of a contrapposto pose.

On the writing front:  Tuesday night was not the best writing night, I started a little late and I was wound up from a political discussion.  I found an old manuscript from a while back that would like to submit.  I need to do a couple of passes on it for clunky language, some staging errors, and dated cell phone usage.   Okay, and the off-stage scene should come on-stage.

Wednesday, I went to the gym and did the aerobic routine.

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