Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Gym and Tarot Cards

Went to the gym Monday.  25 minutes and 300 cal on the Nordic Elliptical.  13x(40+50+60)lbs on the pec fly.  13x(30+40+40)lbs on the deltoid fly.  13x(60+70+80) on the lat pull down.  Someone was on the Roman Chair.  3x13x35lbs barbell curls 13x(30+30+30)lbs on the tricepcs pulldown.  And then I ran away to pick up The Child.

Did some minor editing on the novel. I was thinking about character motivation, and although I wanted this to be a fantasy action novel, the main problem has turned into how do the characters meet and become a couple -- or in other words, a fantasy romance novel.   So now I have the choice to just accept that this is a romance, or look at it and find greater problems for the characters to deal with and make the novel a fantasy action novel.  The Novel Wordcount is still 40,000. Tonight is a writing night.

I've started a quick three-card meditation with Tarot cards before going to bed.  We'll see how long this lasts.  I'm doing it not so much for cartomancy so much as for doing a five to ten minute inventory of how particular cards may or may not be applicable to my life, and thinking about how to apply the positive aspects of the card.  Mostly it's a way to try to think about my writing and the current characters before I go to bed, and it's had a side effect (well, at least for the last two nights) of having more memorable dreams.  

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