Monday, December 27, 2021

Snowy Third Day of Christmas


We've got about eight inches of snow, with some more on the way this evening.  The dog loves it; the cats hate it.  Oregon State University in Corvallis shut down; the University of Oregon was on a two-hour delay.  The city doesn't plow our street, so we're walking everywhere until driving conditions improve.


The sky has been so stormy the last few days that it was a real treat to see the waning crescent moon this morning.  I went out and took some pictures ere rosy fingered dawn appeared in the east.  I will have to take my tripod out with me next time I want to get some good moon photos; the majority of the ones I took were blurry.  


I had better luck photographing snow on branches--I can't put my finger on why snow on branches is pleasing:  is it the contrast of light and dark? or the ephemeral way the snow pressed down the branches? or is it the novelty of snow draping everything in white?  Some neighbors had left their holiday lights on, which made for some festive-looking photographs. 


I wanted to take some photos of snow flakes, but I think I've got the wrong kind of set-up.  When I tried to collect them on a plate yesterday, the plate was too warm and the snowflakes melted before I could really focus on them.  This morning's snow is dryer, but it's still clumping together, which makes it difficult to see the individual crystals.


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