Thursday, November 18, 2021

Purple Bat'leth

We join the dream in progress. . .

I was Worf from Star Trek: The Next Generation.  The recall is fuzzy, but I was replaying or in a re-boot of the first time Worf meets his mate, K'Ehleyr.  There was a lot of running down stairs, and the Enterprise was more like a dorm or a camping lodge than a star cruiser.  And my bat'leth was bright purple.  

Through dream transitions, I was out of Micheal Dorn's body and in my regular one, setting up chairs on a large, second-story meeting room.  There was a large picture window taking up most of wall on one end.  I think I was sweeping or buffing a hardwood floor, and setting up chairs in front of a speaking area.  The area had the feel of the set-ups I used to do in the 1980's at church.

There was a forty-something priest there; he was the main speaker.  Clean-shaven, curly hair, tall-ish; he wore a black, long-sleeved shirt and priest's collar and dark slacks.  I'm not sure if he was going to give a sermon or just a talk.  I still had my bright purple bat'leth, only in waking life it seems to have become more boomerang like, or even like a purple version of the curved magic wands the ancient Egyptians carved out of hippopotamus tusks.  

He thanked me for helping to set the room up, admired my bat'leth for a moment, and then he looked at me with a priestly, wide-eyed, and earnest gaze and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I've lost my way," I said.  

There may have been more to the dream -- something about a small town in central Oregon called Bear.  I woke up soon after feeling like this was a significant dream.  Of course, it made me introspective, and I've had an early 1990's Styx song, "Show Me The Way," stuck in my head.  

Maybe tonight's lunar eclipse primed me for a significant dream.

I think it's been the early 1990's since I dreamed a Star Trek:TNG dream; usually William Riker featured in them.  I suppose I'll have to dig up old dream journals to confirm.  

Bear, Oregon doesn't exist; but I have a feeling it's somehow related to the dream-North-side-of-Ridgewood-hill, which frequently features bears.  

Based on the bright purple color, I've got a feeling by the end of the dream, the bat'leth was "more than just a cigar" -- but the boomerang aspect and/or Egyptian wand aspect (which is reminiscent of vulvas and has strong associations with birth protection magic) is puzzling. 

The priest seemed to be a generic priest. It's possible he was based on a childhood priest, but the only because he had curly hair.  While I've dreamed I was a priest, I don't usually dream of priests, youngish or otherwise.  

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