Friday, October 22, 2021

Hectic Weeks

Things have been hectic over the last week or so.  Weird dreams.  Odd hours.  Some projects have picked up at The Day Jobbe, with the result that I've been working a little later into the evening and then inclined to relax and wind down later in the night instead of writing or other creative endeavors. 

Then our older cat, Smokey, had some medical distress, that, after some back-and-forth, has been diagnosed as saddle thrombosis.  For a few days, we thought we might have to put him down.  Luckily, while he's not running around like a kitten, he's made a miraculous recovery and is walking after a fashion.   Cicero continues to be a punk barncat.  

I've continued with some introductory Egyptian hieroglyphs classes, and I'm winding up attending a series of Zoom lectures on ancient Egyptian Magic.  This is Official Writing Research -- the most surprising facet of ancient Egyptian Magic is that it's supposedly outside of the Frazerian concept of sympathetic magic.   I'm not sure I understand how this could be so, but I expect this will be addressed a few lectures down the road.  My challenge will be to write a magic-using character in an Egyptian-like scenario.  

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