Sunday, November 15, 2020

Photographing Owls

Saturday, I visited the Cascades Raptor Center.  I hadn't been in a while, and with the Governor's Freeze coming up, the center was going to be closed for a few weeks.  

I managed to get there at opening; the entire time I was there there were maybe four other families there.  Oregon got slammed with a winter storm Friday, and Saturday was wet and grey (luckily there wasn't too much rain), which probably accounted for the place not being a mob scene.   The aviaries are all outside, and masks are required, so it's very easy to maintain social distancing.  

During this visit, Dmitri, a Eurasian Eagle-Owl, was brought out of his aviary.  The best photographs of the raptors happen when they are out from behind bars, and Dmitiri is particularly photogenic.  

I made the rounds of the center twice, making sure to linger outside the aviaries of Atticus (Bald Eagle), Banjo (Eastern Red-tailed Hawk), Lethe (Turkey Vulture), and Dante (Golden Eagle).   And Newton (Goshawk), who actually seemed to be squeaking at me -- all of the resident birds seemed extra vocal this visit (except for Danu (Osprey) who is always extra vocal. 

Oregon is gearing up for a two week Governor's Freeze to try to flatten then infection curve of COVID-19.  This means that Thanksgiving is going to be kind of solo this year -- we might go and visit my folks and talk to them through a window on the porch, but we won't be sharing a meal, unless it's a virtual Zoom-sgiving. 

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