Last Monday I pulled something in my lower back shoveling snow out of the driveway. Let me tell you, it is humbling and annoying to not be able to put on one's own socks. The muscles in my left hip decided they wanted to help my back muscles, and their contribution was to seize up my hip and make everything spasm if I tried to do anything approaching lifting my left knee. Luckily, rest and drugs have restored most of my flexibility, and I can now do things like tie my own shoes and get into and out of cars (or out of bed) without the use of a cane. I'm afraid The Child may have learned some new swear words.
Today (3/3) the snows has mostly melted off of the streets and sidewalks, but anywhere were that is shaded still has snow. The small hills of snow in store parking lots remind me of my winters in Minnesota decades ago.
On the gym front: Arg. I'm pretty sure that I should hold off on the rowing exercises for another week. And the cable core twists. I guess I'll have extra time for the ellipticals.
A big shout out to Mark for having to deal with an invalid.
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