Monday, September 03, 2018

Labor Day Tarot Reading

That moment when the plumes of frankincense and myrrh curl around you as you sit, crosslegged, on the grass within the brick circle in the backyard; and the sound of the fountain's falling water mingles with the jingle of the wind chime; and the chickens and the doves and the crows are calling; and the cats are stalking each other through the grapevines; and the leaves of the cherry tree rustle; and you turn over the last Tarot card -- and it's The Devil -- and you laugh and laugh and laugh because you can hear Madame Cleo saying, "But ya knew that already, didn't ya?"

And you lean on the pillows you've brought out -- because sitting crosslegged on the grass within the brick circle makes your right ankle fall asleep, so you have to shift position -- and you reread all those tarot books you bought in the '90's to make sure you've remembered the cards' meanings properly.  And the books and the cards reaffirm:  you're where you are today because of the choices you made yesterday, and the reason you're going through a Dark Night of the Soul is that you've been focused on the Material.  So work hard on what you do, and keep in mind the things that feed your spirit.

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