Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Writing With the Cats

I've got the house to myself for a few days.  Reconfigured the house a bit for writing.  Moved the round table into the living area, moves a long card table into the kitchen nook for writing.  Scheduled various appointments.

Went to the gym Saturday evening; warmed up for five minutes on the elliptical, then spent about twenty minutes on the rowing machine.  Downstairs, 3X12X60lbs on the pec-fly; 3X12X60lbs on the lat pull-down; 3X12 hanging-curls on the Roman chair; assorted free weight stuff.

Sunday, did some morning writing and submitted a flash piece to a contest.  Went to the Refugee Ban Rally at the Federal Building (I left before the rally turned into a march and flag burning).   Wrote some more and did laundry.

Went to the gym again Monday.  Spent 15 minutes on the elliptical, then spent about twenty minutes on the rowing machine.  Downstairs, 3X12X60lbs on the pec-fly (which I had to wait for); 3X12X70lbs on the lat pull-down; 3X12 hanging-curls on the Roman chair; 3X12X35lbs barbell curls.  Saw J.B. a fellow Wordo there.

Writing's been really difficult--which is annoying, because I've got the house to myself and I always think I'll be more productive.  I've been doing critiques and going over stalled manuscript drafts.  OK, and I'm doing better at not obsessively surfing FB and Twitter for news and instead going to real news sites... and there's always room for improvement.

The cats continue to perform various antics at 3 AM which wake me up.  The most recent was slashing open a new bag of kitty kibble and pushing it onto the kitchen floor.

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