Sunday, March 29, 2015

Writing as Spritiual Practice

I read an article by Damien Walter and the big message that I took from it is that writing should be a practice which is approached as a spiritual practice -- something you set aside time to do every day, like meditation or prayer, because it makes you a better person more fully engaged.  There was also some additional benefits, like being a productive, happy writer (instead of a blocked, product-product-product writer).  I'll need to re-read this and think about how I can apply it.

On a slightly related note, yesterday I attended the memorial for Anne Warren Smith.  Anne was the mother of one of my high school friends.  She was (which I hadn't realized) very active in the Corvallis folk music scene, and (which I did know) a writer (I took one of her classes around 1997).  Many folks there met her when they were in their teens and had maintained a relationship with her into adulthood.  What struck me was how much guidance and mentoring she was able to provide during her very creative and productive life. 

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