Monday, March 13, 2006

Arthur's First Nine Months

The weekend started with me making a request to a radio station. Friday night, there's a show called "Groove Cycles," they play disco and dance from the seventies and eighties. I asked for Donna Summer's cover of Knock on Wood. This song should have been Clue Number Three That I'm Gay, because I really liked it when it first came out and I wasn't sure why.

Anyway, so Arthur is happily crawling on floor, Mark comes home, the DJ's announce they're playing requested songs, and Knock on Wood starts playing.

"Ugh," says Mark. "I can't believe somebody requested this song."

I laugh. Mark then goes on to construct some imaginary dialog surrounding the type of person who might like the song. I finally inform him that it was me before he gets too far, and go back to grooving to Donna.

Saturday was Arthur's Nine Month Birthday.

Saturday was also Archeology Day. We (collectively) saw three movies on Archeology. Arthur mostly slept through "Voyages of the Vikings." The most interesting thing about that movie was the information that "Viking" boats flexed. Mark watched "Secrets of the Karakomb," which he said was well put together. I watched the tail end of a depressing film on forensic science, and a film on the Nabateans (the folks who carved the city of Petra (AKA the shrine where Indiana Jones found the Grail)). While I liked the cliff tomb carvings, I found the networked system of water trenches supplying the city cisterns really cool.

We decided that although the information was interesting, most archaeology movies are a bit dull.

Some time during the movies, I got a message on my cell phone. When I played it back, a high pitched, disembodied voice sang back to me. "A B C D E F G..."

I looked at the phone message log, found the number that had left the message, and hit the send button on the cell phone. After a few short rings, my Dad's voice answered. "Hello?

"Elmo knows where you live," I said.

My Dad simply giggled and said that he was going to leave a message for me every day.

I don't know why people don't understand my aversion to toys that speak. Have you ever been alone in a house at night and heard a disembodied child's voice, almost a ghost's voice, start to sing? It's creepy.

It's enough to make you ditch an electronic voice box underneath the cushions of your parents' sofa.

Sunday we went to the coast. We stopped at the Sea Lion Caves parking lot and watched (probably) gray whales spouting. I'm not sure what Arthur thought of the whales, as he was sort of watching the other people around us more.

Then we went to the Oregon Aquarium. I'm not sure if Arthur's favorite thing at the aquarium were the sea lions and harbor seals or the gift shop. He imitated some of the birds sharing the aviary with the puffins. He sort of couldn't see the otters, and he fell asleep in the Plexiglas shark tunnel.

Arthur visited the doctor today for his nine month checkup.
His head circumference is 18.5 inches
His height is 29.5 inches
His weight is 22 pounds (I could have sworn he was 25; he certainly feels that heavy).

The best thing about the doctor's visit is that Arthur's doing well. The coolest thing was that the doctor managed to pull out a long strand of ear wax out of Arthur's ear. Apparently, he has a minor ear infection, which you wouldn't know if you spent any time with him.

Probably the most scary thing is that we're cleared for "fork mashed" solid food. Sigh. I guess it's time to coat the house in plastic and get a dog.

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